We brainstormed together what they would like to do for their moms. They all wanted to do some kind of card, but they made it clear they didn't just want any ordinary card.
They wanted it to have writing, artwork, and presentation. They also said they wanted their handprint to "remind" their parents they have grown since they first started school--many years ago--and that way keep a memory of their current hand size. I though that was so cute. If I had suggested the handprint, they probably wouldn't have gone with the idea. Besides, they all know how much moms love that kind of thing. They are right...we ooh and ahhh about it.
They then decided to do a poem instead of a letter. They said it took more thinking, because of the focus on the words and overall message when compared to a letter format.
(The inside of the card)
The artwork idea came from Cheryl at Teach Kids Art. It is an unbelievably amazing site. It is my go to place for many of the art projects I have done with my kiddos this year.
Lastly, my students made their own tissue flower and we attached it to red pen-for love!
They felt so proud of their projects. Their are two students in my class that were going to give it to a grandma and one was going to place it at the cemetery. I was so touched.

You should be proud! These are adorable! Congratulations!
Teaching Maths with Meaning