We have been doing so many projects and investigations about digestion, that I found myself worried about whether or not they were retaining and truly understanding the concepts. To sum-up our learning, including the circulatory and respiratory system, I gave the students a full size body of themselves (they got a kick out of that). They had to place the parts in the correct spot, label, and describe the the organ and its function. The digestion section was one complete page that had cut out flaps. They wrote in the information themselves using their science resource book.
As I walked around I heard them asking each other questions trying to clarify information before they wrote it down. What a great way to sum-up, review and practice big concepts!
I think they came out really cute.
The flap page and other resources came from this great teacher book.

We are now moving on to vascular plants, before we begin to make comparisons and connections back to the human system.
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